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Learn how to structure your tasks with checklists, lists of items that can be checked off in any order.

Updated over a week ago

A checklist is a list of items in a task description all of which must be checked off before the task can be completed. The items in a checklist can be checked off in any order.

How to add checklists

One or several checklists can be added to a task description in the template.

You can first insert an empty checklist and then add items to it.

Alternatively, you can first write out your items as a regular list and then select and convert them into a checklist.

Completing tasks with checklists

Whichever way you add your checklists, the result is the same: once the task containing the checklist(s) gets assigned, it can only be completed after all the items on the checklist(s) have been checked off.

If you attempt to complete the task without first checking off all the checklist items you will be told to check all the times before completing the task.

Checklist items can be checked off in any order.

The state of the checklist(s) in the task gets saved in the database so if you close the task and then open it again, the items you’ve checked off will still be checked off and if the task has several performers, the items checked off by one performer will show as checked off to all performers.


Checklists let you add more structure to your tasks.

They can also help better organize the collaboration of several team members on a given task: when a task has several performers, each may be charged with working on a specific item on a checklist. They can then check their items off as they complete them. Once all the items have been checked off, the task as a whole can be completed.

Checklists vs Workflows

Checklists come in handy in situations where you can break down a task into smaller subtasks but there is no particular natural order to how these smaller subtasks should be completed, meaning that people can work on and complete them in any order.

In this case, instead of organizing such subtasks as steps in a workflow, you can include them all in one step of your workflow as parallel tasks.

As your teammates check off individual items on the checklists, Pneumatic will let you keep track of this, by showing you how many of the total checklist items have been checked.

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